
Showing posts from October, 2022

October 27th

Math: T3LI pg 147-148  SS: Untied states checks and balances and government investigation 

October 26th

Social Studies: Government Investigation

October 25th

Math: pg 141-142  Social Studies:  World Gov. Investigation

October 19th

math; pg 135  ss: middle east project 

October 17th

Math p 3,4,7,8 gcr slides  Math 6: 61-61 Science: Speak with Mrs. Mac to redo any grade below a 2.5 on Mars Assessment 

October 14th

Science:  Check over the Mars assessment and look at all the feedback - complete any incomplete sections by Monday. 

October 12th

math: T2L6 WB pg 125-126 SS:  Middle East Humanness

October 11th

math: T2L5 math xl  math 6: TIL7 wk pg 49-50 ss: Middle East Humanness 

October 10th

math: watch videos  math 6: TIL6 WB pg 43-44 Science: Finish Mars assessment if not done

October 6th

math: T2L4 MXL p 109 in WB  Science: Finish all parts of Mars Channel Assessment

October 5th

Math:  t2l4 wb pg 107-108  Math 6: til5 wb pg 35 - n36  Science:  Finish parts 1-4 of the mars assessment to be ready for the CER tomorrow. 

October 4th

math; p3,4,7,8 t2l3 mxl  math 6: TIL2 WP pg p 29-30 Science:  check for missing work and finish any you have not finished. If you want to take the skills assessment retake look over your previous test tonight